Digital Art Classes From SoMoCoCAT

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What a mouthful... South Monterey County Center of Arts & Technology (a.k.a. SoMoCoCAT) is an organization designed to provide access and training in current multimedia and digital arts technology for all South Monterey County residents. They are focused on providing underserved populations with equal access to education and employment opportunities.

If you live in the Southern portion of Monterey County (it's a big place) you should check out the services SoMoCoCAT are offering. They have partnered with L3 Communications to offer a FREE (bilingual) technology classes. This is very exciting!

WHAT: Video Workshop for Teens

WHERE: Employment Training Center, 930 Los Coches Drive, Soledad, CA

WHEN: 10am - 1pm, February 14, 21, 28 & March 7

CONTACT: Megan Heath,, 831-869-6055