Quick Background Change - Photoshop Elements 10

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

You can change the background of your photo in just 10 simple steps using Photoshop Elements 10 at the Digital Arts Lab.

1. Open your photo in Photoshop.

2. Use the Quick Selection Tool to select the person. 

3. Select < Inverse (on the Top Menu Bar)

4. Click "Delete" or "Backspace" on your keyboard.

5. Select < Deselect (on the Top Menu Bar)

6. In the Layers Panel, Double-Click "Background" layer and click "OK" in the pop-up box.  This will unlock the layer and rename it as "Layer 0"

7. Open flower image

8. Drag flower image from the "Project Bin" onto your photo

9. In the Layers Panel, move "layer 0" to the top of the layers

10. File < Save As (on the Top Menu Bar)


Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for this photoshop tutorial. I really needed to change background of a picture.